Investigations into Diana's death revealed how Than's Fiat Uno careered into the black Mercedes S280 and hurtled it into the thirteenth pillar of Paris' Pont de l'Alma tunnel.
The father had planned to commit suicide after consuming the poisoned yoghurt himself but survived the incident.
Fernando Montiel tried to kill Kirchner when she was meeting and greeting supporters outside of her home.
A group of students tied teachers to a tree after 11 students procured Grade- DD, which is considered equivalent to fail, in the exam.
At least nine people have been struck down with pneumonia, inflammation of tissue in the lungs in Argentina. Among them, eight were health workers and one was taken to ICU.
The suspect, identified as a Brazilian national, attempted to shoot the Vice President Cristina Fernández de Kirchner on Thursday but the gun failed to fire.
Preechar Chumpla, 30, was caught by police for stripping down and performing lewd sex acts on the Thao Suranaree or Ya Mo Monument in Non Somboon.
American Navy's Sikorsky MH-60 Seahawk helicopters crossed the 12-nautical-mile line separating China's territorial sea from Taiwan on Sunday.
The explosion took place while he was cremating the body of a 20-year-old man who died in a motorcycle accident.
In the dramatic incident, which was captured on camera, the bus shelter is seen collapsing after nearly 10 people started twerking on it.
The Yuan Wang 5, a Chinese survey ship, is one of the vessels in a group of ships operated by the People's Liberation Army.
Kevin Sweeney took the IQ test at the Quaker Meeting House in Edinburgh and scored 162 in the test.
The incident happened in Menoufia province, north of Cairo in Egypt. Although the prosecutor general has confirmed that no one was injured in the fire.
The couple had gone to bed after a row in which Chilufya, 37, had accused her husband of cheating on her.
The video, sourced from the Indian Army, captured the three terrorists walking using a long shot lens from behind what appears to be a line of pine trees.