Phil Heiman, a 69-year-old cyclist, was stung by the bee shortly after he accidentally swallowed it during a warm-up, causing his throat to swell up and making him unable to breathe.
The lawsuit alleges that UnitedHealthcare used AI to deny coverage to elderly patients who are on a Medicare Advantage plan, despite allegedly being aware that the algorithm has a 90 percent error rate.
Marcela Alcazar Rodriguez, 33, was attending a spiritual retreat ceremony as part of a Healer Training Diploma when she drank a drink called Kombo, which contained the frog venom.
Reverend Mother Teresa Agnes Gerlach of breaking her chastity vows by having an online love affair with Father Philip Johnson, a former priest from the diocese in Raleigh, N.C.
Aliya Fakhri, 43, has been charged with four counts of first degree murder, four counts of second degree murder, one count of first degree arson, and one count of second degree arson.
Leah Seneng, a 60-year-old Dos Palos middle school art teacher, was bitten by a "rabid bat" when she tried to pick it up and release it outside the classroom.