Staffers also began modifying Biden's daily schedule when he appeared fatigued or struggled during public appearances—both in his words and physical presence.
A journal entry from October 22, revealed by federal investigators in a complaint unsealed on Thursday, alludes to an upcoming investor conference in six weeks.
Barnes said that it remains unclear how Rupnow acquired the two handguns, and he declined to disclose who purchased them, citing the active investigation.
A San Diego judge on Tuesday authorized the order, demanding that Paffendorf surrender any firearms and ammunition, while also forbidding him from acquiring any more weapons.
Federal Reserve Chair Jerome Powell said that additional cuts to borrowing rates would depend on achieving further progress in reducing persistently high inflation.
Earlier this year, after the astronauts passed the 60-day mark in space, social media users expressed outrage at the situation, with many calling the extended delay "torture."
It is unclear whether Natalia is an only child, but in the post, Jeff referred to his daughter as "kiddo" and expressed pride in her skills with the weapon.