Did Lockheed Martin Possess UFO Debris? Speculations After Harry Reid's Claims Reid said that Pentagon refused his request to find the missing fragments. May 1, 2021
Who is Jessica Beauvais? NYPD Cop Killer Ranted 'F**k the Police' Before Mowing Down Officer Beauvais apologized for her actions following her arrest on Tuesday. Apr 28, 2021
Bill Gates Fighting to Keep COVID-19 Vaccine's 'Recipe a Secret? Conspiracies Flood Social Media Gates had disagreed with sharing the recipe for the COVID-19 vaccine with developing nations. Apr 28, 2021
Who is Susan LaPierre? NRA Chief Wayne LaPierre's Wife Chops Off Elephant's Tail, Turns Feet into Stools Graphic video shows Wayne LaPierre failing to kill an elephant despite multiple shots. Apr 28, 2021
Pfizer Vaccine Causes Neurological Damage in Recipients: Here is the Truth The study titled COVID-19 RNA Based Vaccines and the Risk of Prion Disease, was published in a journal, Microbiology & Infectious Diseases. Apr 27, 2021 Fake news
Actor Daniel Kaluuya Cracks Sex Joke About His Parents During Oscars 2021; His Mother's Reaction Goes Viral Kaluuya won the Best Supporting Actor award for his work in "Judas and the Black Messiah". Apr 26, 2021
Oscar 2021: Nomadland Wins Best Film, Chloe Zhao is Best Director; Complete LIST of Winners Anthony Hopkins becomes the oldest actor ever to receive the best actor Academy Award. Apr 26, 2021
Who is IHOP Karen? White Woman Harasses Black US Soldiers, Calls Them S**tbag Fort Belvoir says soldiers maintained their composure and military bearing throughout this shocking incident. Apr 23, 2021
Who is Latisha Bell? Black Woman Shoots Dead 52-Year-Old; GRAPHIC Video Goes Viral Bell surrendered herself hours after killing Nichelle Thomas in broad daylight. Apr 22, 2021
FACT CHECK: President Joe Biden Stopped From Entering Pentagon Over Afghan Troop Pullback? The US President had recently taken a decision to withdraw all American troops from Afghanistan over the next few months. Apr 22, 2021 Fake news
LeBron James Threatens Nicholas Reardon By Tweeting 'You're Next', Is He Inciting Violence? LeBron James deleted the tweet after facing severe backlash on social media. Apr 22, 2021
Who is Nicholas Reardon? Cop Who Killed Ma'Khia Bryant is Military Marksman; Netizens Term Him 'Hero' Reardon has been placed on leave following the fatal shooting. Apr 22, 2021
Ferris Wheel Operator Caught Shoving Kid, Punching Black Woman in Viral Video The operator was also seen engaging in physical fight with another employee. Apr 19, 2021
Who Was Lizbeth Mass? Boyfriend Avenges Her Death by Trying to Mow Down Killer (VIDEO) Mass was warned by her brother about the killer. Apr 17, 2021
Who is Hayley Close-Hallmark? Florida Teacher Had Sex With Student For Two Years, Finds New Victim Close-Hallmark is accused of having sex with student during a school dance competition. Apr 17, 2021
FedEx Shooter Targeted Sikh Workers? Is Indianapolis Shooting a Hate-Crime? Law Enforcement authorities said that Hole randomly started firing at people in the parking lot before entering the building. Apr 17, 2021
Who Was Brandon Scott Hole? FedEx Shooter Had History of Mental Illness, 'Never Got the Help' Hole's mother had raised alarm about him trying to commit 'Suicide by Cop' last year Apr 17, 2021
Adam Toledo Was Part of Latin Kings Gang? Boy was Called 'Lil Homicide' and 'Bvby Diablo' on Social Media Social media debates after bodycam footage shows Toledo in possession of a gun seconds before he was shot. Apr 16, 2021
Who is the Shooter Behind Indianapolis FedEx Shooting? Suspect Commits Suicide After Killing 8 FedEx's Indianapolis based facility is the second-largest hub in the company's global network. Apr 16, 2021
Cops Planted Gun Near Adam Toledo's Body? Conspiracy After Body Cam Shows Teen's Bare Hands In Air Before Shooting Video shows Toledo throwing away a gun seconds before being shot by the chasing cop. Apr 16, 2021