What Happens After Death: NDE Victim Says His Consciousness Became Universal The near-death experience testimonial shared by Joe has gone viral, and it has made many people believe that life after death is real Sep 6, 2020
Not One, This Rattlesnake Has Two Heads and Disproportionate Body Bite of rattlesnakes usually results in severe pain, vomiting, hemorrhage and sometimes heart failure. Sep 5, 2020
Tsunami Waves Could Reach Seattle in 2 Hours Following an Earthquake, Simulations Suggest Corina Allen, the chief hazards geologist at the Department of Natural Resources, revealed that there is no season for earthquakes, and it could happen anytime. Sep 5, 2020
Journey to Mars: Elon Musk Warns First Visitors Will Probably Die Elon Musk had several times claimed that his ultimate aim is to live on Mars, despite narrow chances of survival Sep 3, 2020 Elon musk
Giant Crater Opens Up in Siberia, Spewing Chunks of Ice and Rocks Scientists have named this newly discovered crater '17', and they revealed that it is at least 50 meters deep. Sep 3, 2020
Is Moon Rusting? Scientists Puzzled to Find Earth as Exact Cause Despite the absence of oxygen and liquid water, scientists have found hematite, a form of rust on the surface of the moon Sep 3, 2020 Nasa
Weird Alien Forms Could be Living Within Star's Core, New Study Suggests According to the research report, these simple alien beings could evolve and may travel across the cosmos with ease. Sep 3, 2020
Then Journalist, Now Opposition Leader: Putin's 'Poisoning Way to Demolish Critics' Continues In 2004, a journalist named Anna Politkovskaya had escaped from poisoning, but was later shot down by five people Sep 2, 2020
Life After Death? Woman Says She Was Greeted by Loved Ones During NDE Melinda assured that she clearly got separated from her body during her final moments, and she also saw doctors trying to save her life Sep 1, 2020
Was Michael Jackson Murdered By Illuminati For Pop Anthem Black or White? Michael Jackson was apparently under the control of Illuminati, but he spent his life rebelling against the secret society Sep 1, 2020
Despite NASA's Denial, This Biblical Preacher Assures Nibiru Will Trigger Apocalypse on Earth NASA has several times revealed that Nibiru could have been visible to the naked eyes if it was real Aug 31, 2020 Nasa
Was Marilyn Monore Killed by CIA for Knowing Alien Secrets? Conspiracy theorists claim that Marilyn Monroe was aware of several secrets surrounding the alleged alien UFO crash that happened in Roswell, Aug 31, 2020
Marilyn Monroe: Here Are Some Scandalous Rumors about Legendary Actress and JFK William Castleberry claims that a sex tape that features Marilyn Monroe, John F Kennedy and Robert F Kennedy does exist Aug 30, 2020
This Asteroid Could Zip Past Earth on Sept. 1, Could be Closest Approach in Next Decade If asteroid 2011 ES4 enters the earth's atmosphere, it could result in a powerful mid-air explosion Aug 30, 2020 Asteroid Nasa
Donald Trump Assures US Will be The First Country to Plant Flag on Mars Several top space scientists believe that NASA has sent an unrealistic timeline to land humans on Mars Aug 29, 2020 Nasa
No, Meteorites Did Not Deliver Water on Earth, Then How Did It Form? Researchers believe that earth, in its initial days, had enough hydrogen to combine with oxygen to form the world's all water sources Aug 28, 2020
British Company Aims to Revolutionize Travel Sector by Introducing 150-mph Flying Taxi Vertical Aerospace revealed that these future flying cars have a maximum range of 100 miles per single flight Aug 27, 2020
Why Men Are More Prone to Coronavirus Infection? New Study Gives Clues The coronavirus that originated from China has already killed more than 824,200 people worldwide Aug 26, 2020 Coronavirus
Little Aliens Can Easily Travel Across Universe, Says New Study A NASA scientist had previously suggested that humans are now on the verge of discovering alien life. Aug 26, 2020 Alien
US Arrests NASA Researcher For Hiding China Relations Throughout his career, Cheng hid his affiliations with the Chinese government and talent programs organized by Chinese universities. Aug 25, 2020 Nasa