The tantrik, identified as Bhalesh Joshi, outed the couple's extra-marital affair to one of their spouses. In retaliation, the couple threatened to file a molestation case against him, so he decided to kill them, fearing humiliation.
The police chief allegedly also ordered a lieutenant to delete text messages from the woman to the lieutenant reporting the sexual misconduct the following day.
A witness called police on Sept. 30 after allegedly viewing Rev. Travis Clark, 37, through a church window engaging in sexual acts with two high-heeled, corseted women.
According to eyewitnesses, the manager went on a shooting rampage targeting employees inside the Walmart in Chesapeake, Virginia, on Tuesday night. 7 fatalities have been reported so far, including the shooter.
The teacher was arrested for having sex with a student she started messaging two weeks after getting the job. She has been charged with two counts of second-degree rape.
The stray dog was allegedly beaten to death by engineering students of Don Bosco Technical Institute in Delhi. Now, there are calls for the students' arrest and expulsion from the institute.
The mother request for a protective order against the suspect, who was also the father of two of the children, was denied by a judge before the murders.
The granddaughter visited the doctor the day before the murder and was told the grandmother needed to be in a nursing home, which she could not afford.
Viktor Bout, who was convicted of conspiracy to kill U.S. citizens, deliver anti-aircraft missiles and aid a terrorist organization a decade ago, is serving a 25-year prison sentence in the United States.
Dana Rivers, 67, grabbed headlines for suing the Center Unified School District in Sacramento in 1999 after she was fired for discussing her gender transition with students.