The dentist, 67-year-old Dr. Lawrence P. Rudolph, told authorities his wife accidentally shot herself with her shotgun during a hunting trip to Zambia in 2016.
Kelly Canon, an outspoken critic of Covid-19 vaccines and a longtime Arlington Republican, died on Monday after suffering complications from the virus.
Bodycam footage released by the LAPD showed officers pulling the pilot out of the crash just seconds before a Metrolink train plowed through the wreckage.
There is a claim floating on social media that Biden pinched the nipple of Maria Piacesi, the niece of Republican U.S. Sen. Steve Daines of Montana, during a swearing-in ceremony in 2015.
David Bateman sent out an email to local business owners and political leaders claiming the Covid-19 vaccine is a Jewish plot to "euthanize" Americans.
Houston Police Department Chief said he is investigating the delayed response to the shooting. Police say there is no suspect description or motive at this point.