SocietyDid CNN Issue Correction for Ted Cruz QAnon Pin? Here Is the Truth Behind Viral Screenshot A viral hoax claimed that CNN had to issue a correction after saying Ted Cruz wore a QAnon pin that was later found to be Doritos crumb. Jan 16, 2021By Bhaswati Guha Majumder
SocietyTrump Banned From OnlyFans; Account Removed After Capitol Insurrection? Here is the Truth President Donald Trump was banned from major social media platforms, including Twitter and Facebook. Jan 14, 2021By Parwinder Sandhu
SocietyObama Plotted to Make Trump Lose Election? Votes 'Switched' Using Italian Satellites, Says Conspiracy Theory Viral audio starts a new conspiracy theory related to election fraud. Jan 8, 2021By Parwinder Sandhu
SocietyPoll Workers Uncover Illegal 50,000 Ballots Prior to Georgia's Senate Runoff? Here is the Truth Trump was heard asking Georgia SoS to help him find 11,780 votes in leaked telephonic conversation. Jan 7, 2021By Parwinder SandhuTrump vs Biden
SocietyCovid-19 Vaccine Jab in Penis Helps Dose Spread Faster in Body? Here's the Truth A 'scientific' claim asking men to inject Covid-19 vaccine in their penis for faster release of the dose in the body has gone viral on social media. Jan 5, 2021By Parwinder Sandhu
Society5G Chip in Vaccine: 'Confidential' Diagram Leaked in Italy; What's Truth Behind Viral Image? The supposed '5G chip' schematics featured a section labelled "5G frequency," along with terms "MT-2 Gain," "Footswitch." Jan 5, 2021By Parwinder Sandhu
SocietyFACT CHECK: Adam Schiff Arrested at LAX, Twitter Bars Woman With Video Footage of Arrest The claim which originated on December 25, and gained traction on various social media platforms in the following days. Dec 30, 2020By Parwinder Sandhu
SocietyHOAX BUSTED: LA Hospitals in Lockdown as Coronavirus Vaccine Recipients Eat Each Other Viral image shared on social media use CNN logo to prove that Covid-19 vaccine recipients were eating each other. Dec 28, 2020By Bhaswati Guha MajumderCoronavirus Facebook
SocietyVape Vaccine: Did Pfizer Roll Out COVID-19 Vaporizer Cartridge Made in China? Here is the Truth Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine is injected into the upper arm and given as two doses 21 days apart. Dec 23, 2020By Parwinder Sandhu
SocietyWas Derek Chauvin, George Floyd's Killer, Murdered in Prison By Fellow Inmates? Here is the Truth George Floyd's death sparked Black Lives Matter protests against the police atrocities on African-Americans across the country earlier this year. Dec 22, 2020By Parwinder Sandhu
SpaceFrom Guardians of the Galaxy Announcement to NASA Becoming Hoax Buster, Here Are TOP Space News Space news dominates social media as some big announcements were made focusing on NASA and space programs. Dec 19, 2020By Bhaswati Guha MajumderSpace Nasa Spacex
SocietyAnti-Vaxxers Take Advantage of Pfizer Trial Participant's Horrific Situation to Spread Fake News Pfizer trial participant in the US developed painful sores on her foot but she revealed that she was in a placebo group Dec 10, 2020By Bhaswati Guha MajumderCoronavirus
SocietyCOVID Positive Rudy Giuliani Tweets 'Sex With Barnyard Animals Causes China Virus': Here is the Truth Giuliani, a close confidant and personal lawyer of President Donald Trump, has been attending public events without facemask. Dec 9, 2020By Parwinder Sandhu
SocietyFACT CHECK: Did Pharma Research Head Say Pfizer Covid-19 Vaccine Causes Female Sterilization? Covid-19 has so far infected over 65.8 million globally and killed more than 1.52 million people. Dec 5, 2020By Parwinder Sandhu
SocietyBarack Obama Arrested For Leaking Classified Info to China, Charged With Espionage: Here Is TRUTH The fake claim was reported by the Conservative Beaver, a Canadian conservative news site. Dec 2, 2020By Parwinder Sandhu
SocietyMayfair Mall Shooter Identified as Sam Hyde? Shoot Out Stemmed From an Altercation, Say Police Shooting left eight people injured, including a teenager Nov 21, 2020By Parwinder Sandhu
EntertainmentFACT CHECK: Controversial Director Woody Allen Dies in his Brooklyn Apartment at 84 Allen's 'A Rainy Day in New York' was recently released on VOD after a legal battle between him and Amazon. Nov 20, 2020By Parwinder Sandhu
CrimeDeborah Jean Christiansen, The Dead Voter 'Exposed' by Trump Campaign, is Actually Alive The Trump campaign team had claimed that Deborah Jean Christiansen had died in 2018. Nov 19, 2020By Suman Priya MendoncaUs election 2020 Us election results
HealthFrom Microchips to Change in DNA, COVID-19 Vaccine Rumors Go Viral Again After Pfizer News Some baseless claims appeared on social media after Pfizer-BioNTech revealed that their Coronavirus vaccine showed 90% efficacy Nov 15, 2020By Bhaswati Guha MajumderCoronavirus
EntertainmentDid Rapper Drake Die in Drive-By Shooting? Upset Family Releases Info; Here Is the Truth Drake's album 'Certified Lover Boy', will release in January 2021 Nov 15, 2020By Parwinder Sandhu