The threats are really growing and expanding every single day, a top US General says.
Both the orbiters orbit the moon in a nearly polar orbit and hence, both the spacecraft come close to each other over the Lunar poles.
Their flight marks the third time SpaceX launched people to the International Space Station (ISS) and brought them back to Earth.
Returning humans to the Moon with Artemis II will inspire the next generation of explorers.
Aurora borealis or northern lights could be visible from Portland Oregon to New York City.
Experts expressed concerns over this development as the new satellite can be used as a weapon capable of grabbing and crushing American satellites.
Competitors including China are aggressively investing in a wide range of space technologies, including nuclear power and propulsion, says NASA.
The filmmakers had blasted off from the Russia-leased Baikonur Cosmodrome in Kazakhstan earlier this month, travelling to the ISS to film scenes for 'The Challenge'.
Europa reflects more sunlight than Ganymede, keeping the surface 60 degrees Fahrenheit cooler than Ganymede.
Teens who took part were revealed to be child actors and Harris has faced criticism for not recruiting kids who are passionate about the space industry.
The rover provided images of escarpments in the delta, which formed from sediment accumulating at the mouth of an ancient river that long ago fed the crater's lake.
The findings, published in the journal Science, fill a vital gap in the Moon's geology, and will also help scientists to understand the history of other Solar System bodies, the report said.
Tom Cruise had earlier announced that he would be shooting for a movie in space on Elon Musk's SpaceX. However, Russia's Soyuz MS-19 spaceship led by cosmonaut Anton Shkaplero is set to outshine Cruise.
The team experimented with different catalysts such as graphene quantum dots that can increase the yield of methane.
The sarcasm recalls when former President Donald Trump called the current president 'Sleepy Joe.'