A former astronaut for NASA opened up about his harrowing experience during the Apollo 15 mission to the Moon.
Scientists argue that it is possible to find a wormhole by tracing the gravitational pull of stars around black holes in the universe.
Just 3.5 billion years ago, there were salt lakes on Mars much like the ones on Earth, with alternating periods of wet and dry periods.
Even though it is two centuries since electromagnetism was deduced, scientists still have a lot of questions about the actual origin of massive electromagnetic fields.
'Just witnessed the space station whizz past over head!! Rather surreal #ISS #nasa,'' shared a Twitter user.
Astronomers examined 3D motions of gas in a planet-forming disk at three locations around a young star called HD 163296. They found that gas was flowing like a waterfall into gaps that seemed to be caused by infant planets.
Scientists have grown crops in Martian and Moon's soil simulants that were bolstered by NASA. They seem to indicate that food can be grown on Martian and lunar soil in order to feed settlers on those planets and also to obtain some seeds from them.
A NASA space engineer has come up with the original idea of a 'helical engine' as a solution to the next-generation space accelerator, which can propel spacecraft "close to light speed".
When NASA TV page is accessed, a message states that the ground station has lost contact with ISS
When Soyuz T-7 docked with the space station on August 20, 1982, Svetlana Savitskaya became the only woman in the crew and she was presented with an apron by the commander and told "to get to work"
New research sheds light on the age of ice deposits in the Moon's south pole -- information that could help identify the sources of the deposits and help in planning future human exploration.
A 'mudball' meteorite that hit the earth in early 2019 could contain some crucial hints about life's origins
An interstellar comet is giving some exciting insights into rare material from another star system, according to a new study.
Scientists find evidence of a gigantic flare that happened 3.5 million years ago, but was powerful enough to be felt 200,000 light years away.
Study used Sloan Digital Sky Survey's data mapping over 35% of the sky, which helps to identify around 50 dwarf galaxies. As many as 29 of them had signs of being associated with the black holes in their centres.