It was revealed that if the blue planet hit by a huge asteroid, the earth would face huge climate change issues and tsunamis for which the world is not prepared enough
The object moved through the earth's atmosphere at a very low velocity of 11 kilometres per second, led them to deduce that the object may have orbited earth
Cartosat-3, intended to replace the IRS series, will have a panchromatic resolution of 0.25 metres and Mx of 1 metre with a high quality resolution which is a major improvement from the previous payloads in the Cartosat series
NGC 772 is both a peculiar and an unbarred spiral galaxy; respectively, this means that it is somewhat odd in size, shape or composition, and that it lacks a central feature known as a bar, which we see in many galaxies throughout the cosmos
Mercury Transit was visible in the US East Coast, Canada, South and Central America throughout its transit while the rest of the globe captured s small sliver of it. Those in Asia, including Singapore, and Australia missed the event entirely.
Scientists have been working on combining Tardigrades DNA with human cells to make astronauts endure extreme conditions in space and protect them from harmful radiation.
Male mice that were raised in outer space in special cages got back to earth and were found by scientists to have their sperm production or fertilizing ability remaining normal.