Steve Austin was one of the biggest names of WWE in 2003 and used to attract huge number of audience for the shows, but a neck injury ended his career in the sports entertainment. He has spoken about walking out of the show and whether he is missing being inside the ring.

The Rattlesnake says that he comes across the same question very often and Austin tells them that it has been quite a long time since he left the sports entertainment, but the thoughts of being at his peak in his career at this age also strikes his mind.
"But there is a small part of me, even though I don't live in the past, that says, 'Man, when you're 38 years old, man, in wrestling, you're really in your prime.' All of the learning that I'd done, working angles, talking promos, psychology with the crowd. You're really honed up at that age. And so to walk away from the table at seemingly a prime-time age was very, very tough for me to do, at many levels," he is quoted as saying by Bleach Report.
Steve Austin says that he had a tough time after moving away from the business. He used to spend a lot of time hunting, fishing and drinking to deal with the phase. The Ringmaster says, "I was talking to Dale Earnhardt Jr. last year on my show on USA Network, about how all the concussions caught up with him, he had to pull his own plug. A doctor wasn't going to tell him, 'Hey, you need to quit.' He pulled the plug on himself. I did the same thing.
A doctor didn't look me in the eyes and say, 'Steve, you must retire now.' It was a decision I had to make for myself. When you're flying high, and you're this badass, tough-ass Stone Cold guy, and all your peers are just as tough as you, and you're riding down the road doing something you're so passionate about and you love so much, it would be anybody's dream to live that kind of life. And all of a sudden you've got to make a decision to take yourself out of the game. It was extremely hard to deal with."
Austin walked out of WWE after suffering a neck injury in 2003. Now, he is hosting Broken: Skull Sessions podcast.