Seo Ye Ji seems to be paying a heavy price for the controversies that have unfolded around her in recent months. The actress is losing out endorsements one after the other as the
brands are cutting off ties with her fearing the damages to the reputation of their products.

Few Products Slip Out of her Hands
In the last week, at least three companies have removed the ads of the actress. Health and Lifestyle brand New Origin have removed ads of 'Inner Flora' featuring Seo Ye Ji. Mask brand and AK Beauty's cosmetic brand LUNA brands have apparently slipped out of her hands as the companies have removed the traces of the actress.
Her commercial video of AER sunglass company Rieti has made been private from the public after she hit the headlines for wrong reasons, recently, claims a report on Allkpop. The website further adds that she might have to pay penalties for the cancellation of ads due to a breach of contracts.
It is now speculated that the Lawless Lawyer actress might lose more products as the brands would not like to take a chance due to the back-to-back negative publicity that she garnered in the last two months.
Latest Controversy
A few days ago, a controversy broke out over her alleged interference in her boyfriend Kim Jung Hyun's work. She is alleged to have forced him to do away with skinship scenes with his co-stars. Hence, he did not do 13 such scenes in the 2018 drama Time, according to a report on Dispatch.
Just two months ago, she was accused of bullying her schoolmate. People had not paid much heed to those allegations then, but now those speculations are gaining netizens' attention.
A person claiming to be Seo Ye Ji's former staff alleged recently that she was the rude person to work with while claiming that she used to harass her staffs apart from giving threats to end their careers for gossips related to the actress.
To add salt to injury, there were also allegations of lying about her academic background and plastic surgery.
Now, the fans are wondering whether she has the ability to bounce back.