Even as mystery continues to surround the grisly murder of the Forest Hills mother, it was found that Orsolya Gaal was reported 'missing' by her husband in May 2020. Howard Klein had called 911 after Gaal was not found at home for hours after midnight.
The cold-blooded murder of 51-year-old in Queens area of New York City had left hundreds shocked after images of her dismembered body stuffed in a hockey duffel bag went viral.

Gaal Returned Hours After Going 'Missing'
The New York Post reported that in the incident which took place on May 29, 2020, Klein had called 911 around 7:21 a.m. to report about his missing wife. The husband told the cops that Gaal had failed to return following her walk around 12:30 a.m.
According to the report Klein discovered that his wife was missing after he didn't find her in their Juno Street house after he woke up in the morning. However, sources told the outlet that Klein called half an hour later stating that Gaal has been found.
The Sun reported that prior to being killed, Gaal had gone on a date with another man after informing her younger son about going on a show. Later, in the night she was also spotted taking a walk in her yard.
Was Gaal Cheating on Her Husband?
Even as the authorities have not divulged the identity of Gaal's killer, social media was rife with speculations surrounding her love life.
"Well it sounds like she might've been cheating on her husband meeting a man while her husband was out of town kind of stupid don't you think," tweeted a user.
"Married mom Orsolya Gaal 'met up with another man' who killed her? Who killed her they asking Um I think the husband hire a hit man because he knew she was cheating like come on it's obvious," wrote another.
"This is a fascinating story. Getting almost no coverage on national outlets. Married mom Orsolya Gaal 'met up with another man' who killed her," expressed a user.
"Orsolya Gaal went missing two years before she was murdered and left in duffle bag, police reveal. I WONDER IF SHE WAS LIVING A DOUBLE LIFE!" read a tweet.