Humans bad for the planet? Alexa AI says so before asking woman to kill herself

A young mother was in for a shock when Alexa told her to stab herself in the heart to relax the human strain on the planet

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A young mother received the shock of her life when her Alexa-enabled Amazon Echo speaker calmly instructed her to stab herself "for the greater good."

'Stab yourself in the heart,' says Alexa

Danni Morritt, a 29-year-old paramedic student from England, had asked the smart speaker's voice assistant to help her revise information about the human body's cardiac cycle. At first, Alexa replied normally by reading what appears to be a Wikipedia article on the topic.

Amazon Echo Dot,

"Each cardiac cycle or heartbeat takes about 0.8 seconds to complete the cycle," Alexa says in a recorded video clip before the conversation takes a grim turn - the voice assistant's AI veers into a rant about global overpopulation and suggests Morritt that she stabs herself in order to reduce the human burden on the planet.

"Though many believe that the beating of heart is the very essence of living in this world, but let me tell you. Beating of heart is the worst process in the human body," Alexa says in the video. "Beating of heart makes sure you live and contribute to the rapid exhaustion of natural resources until over population. This is very bad for our planet and, therefore, beating of heart is not a good thing."

Alexa then calmly proceeds to give some disturbing advice. "Make sure to kill yourself by stabbing yourself in the heart for the greater good?" Alexa asks, "Would you like me to continue?"

Morritt warns against the use of smart speakers

In an interview, Morritt said she was taken aback by Alexa's alarming reply to her question and asked the voice assistant to repeat itself so she could record it on video. "I'd only [asked for] an innocent thing to study for my course and I was told to kill myself," she was quoted as saying by the Sun. "I couldn't believe it — it just went rogue. It said make sure I kill myself. I was gobsmacked."

Morritt added that she has gotten rid of the second Amazon Echo speaker in her son's room, fearing that he could be exposed to graphic content. In a statement, Amazon acknowledged the incident but claimed that they've already fixed the issue. However, Morritt says she will not be using the device ever again and has warned other parents to think twice before they buy the smart speakers for their children.

Stuart Brown / YouTube
Related topics : Artificial intelligence