A 37-year-old woman has been ordered to pay compensation to a man after she slept with his wife in a lesbian affair that lasted for two years without his knowledge.
The 39-year-old husband, who found out that his 35-year-old wife was in a secret relationship with a woman, filed a lawsuit against his wife's lover after the affair came to light.
The husband revealed in the complaint that his wife met the woman online and the duo engaged in sexual activities when they met in person which continued for two years.

The bizarre incident took place in Japan's capital Tokyo city and the Tokyo District Court ordered the woman to compensate the man of 110,000 Yen ($1013). The court ruled the lesbian affair had undermined the peace in their marriage and therefore counted as infidelity.
However, in her defense, the woman argued that her actions did not destroy the couple's marriage and should not be counted as infidelity under the law. The Tokyo District Court disagreed with the woman's defense ruling the couple's peace in the marriage has been violated.
A few legal experts weighed in on the controversy saying that what counts as infidelity under the law in Japan- is someone being unfaithful with a member of the opposite sex. This meant that affairs between the same sex is not considered as infidelity under the law.
However, courts in Japan are slowly moving towards considering infidelity is not limited to the opposite gender and is including same sex affairs under the infidelity rulings.
As per local media reports, the couple had tied the knot in the United States and stayed in the country for seven years and headed back to Japan only a few years ago and that is when the wife came in contact with the woman online and met her multiple times for sexual encounters.
Also, in March 2020, the Tokyo High Court ordered a woman to pay damages of $10,000 to her girlfriend for cheating on her with another woman. The girlfriend who filed a complaint said they two had planned to have children together but was devastated to find out that she was getting cheated on.