OnlNikko D'Ambrosio is a 32-year-old Chicago resident who has initiated an unusual legal proceeding against multiple women. D'Ambrosio has filed a $75 million lawsuit against 27 women for defamation, doxing, and invasion of privacy. The legal action, initiated in the Northern District of Illinois, claims that D'Ambrosio's reputation suffered irreparable harm due to negative reviews posted on the private "Are We Dating the Same Guy" Facebook page.

In the lawsuit, D'Ambrosio alleges that his name and photo were shared on the Facebook page, which identifies itself as a community of "Red Flag Awareness" groups across the country, empowering women to share experiences and protect each other from "toxic men." The complaint further contends that the page, with its private status and heavily moderated members list, facilitates attacks on men's character without their knowledge.
According to the filing, D'Ambrosio met a woman at a cultural event in Chicago, and after consensual sex that same night, they went on a few "unremarkable" dates, never entering an exclusive dating relationship. The woman allegedly posted on the Facebook group, describing D'Ambrosio as "clingy," claiming he flaunted his wealth, and mentioning his behavior during business calls.
The lawsuit contends that the defendants knowingly made false and malicious statements about D'Ambrosio, leading to personal humiliation, mental anguish, emotional distress, stress, anxiety, and lost earnings. Several commenters on the post claimed to have had similar experiences with D'Ambrosio, sharing their encounters and advising others to avoid him.
In December, after D'Ambrosio's attorneys contacted the woman who initially posted about him, she deleted the original post and reposted it anonymously on the Facebook group page. The lawsuit argues that the defendants' actions are "outrageous in character" and "utterly intolerable in a civilized community."
D'Ambrosio also names a man and Facebook's parent company, Meta, in the lawsuit, suggesting their involvement in the alleged defamation and privacy invasion. The case sheds light on the potential consequences of online communities and the impact of negative reviews on individuals' lives.