Princess Diana, the beloved first wife of the current British King Charles III and mother of Princes William and Harry, tragically died in a car accident at age 36. On August 31, 1997, she passed away in Paris while trying to evade relentless paparazzi. Diana was in the car with her companion, Dodi Fayed, and their driver, Henri Paul, who also lost their lives in the crash. Despite her untimely death, Diana continues to make headlines as an unusual tale emerges from Australia.

Eight-year-old Billy Campbell, son of Australian singer, actor, and TV host David Campbell, claims to be the reincarnation of Princess Diana. Billy started making these assertions when he was just two years old, sharing details about Diana's life that shocked his parents. David and his wife Lisa were taken aback when Billy began talking about specific events and places linked to Diana.
Billy's claims are remarkable for their level of detail. He demonstrated an impressive knowledge of Balmoral Castle, the Scottish residence of the British royal family, leaving his parents astounded. His description of Diana's fatal car accident in Paris is also unsettlingly accurate. When shown a picture of Princess Diana, Billy reportedly said, "That's me as a princess," adding, "Then one day, the sirens came, and I wasn't a princess anymore."
David Campbell shared, "He started to refer to his two 'boys'. When asked which boys, our then three-year-old would say his 'sons'. It was strange, but we just went along with it." Billy also claimed that, as Diana, he used to visit a castle in Scotland. He described the castle as having unicorns on it and said it was called Balmoral.
David recounted the story to Mirror UK, noting the uncanny accuracy of Billy's descriptions. "The unicorn is the national animal of Scotland, and there are unicorns on the walls of Balmoral. How does he know this?" David wrote, expressing his disbelief. The most chilling moment came when Billy spoke about Diana's death. "Then one day, the sirens came, and I wasn't a princess anymore," Billy said.
David shared these experiences in his column, reflecting on his son's extraordinary claims. "Here is a child with no knowledge whatsoever of the monarchy. How could he? Will Billy grow up and never remember this? Could he actually be the reincarnated essence of the People's Princess?" David's musings leave open the question that continues to captivate many: Is Billy Campbell truly the reincarnation of Princess Diana? The story remains a curious and puzzling mystery that keeps drawing attention worldwide.