A Russian soldier was abused by his own men for over three hours which lead to the amputation of his genitals and legs. Andrey Sergeyevich Sychyovn was horrifically beaten by a fellow sergeant as his seniors believed he and his comrades had not cleaned up properly after a party on New Year's Eve. Both Sergeyevich Sychyov and his comrades were brutally beaten until they became senseless, according to a report published on the Daily Star.
The incident took place in 2005 and it was a Junior Sergeant who Alexander Sivyakov, who ordered Sychyov, then 19, to squat while his hands were tied behind his back another sergeant battered him for three and a half hours. Sychyov was left with serious injuries after the vile beating and he did not receive any treatment until January 4, delaying aid for four days after the vicious attack.
At the time, doctors found that the soldier had several broken bones with heavy trauma to his genital area and gangrene set in to his legs.

The Russian soldier's mother Galina Sychyov claims that she was offered $100,000 (£76,000) and property for not pursuing legal action related to the horrifying incident.
Vile Sergeant Sivyakov, who almost killed the Russian soldier by ordering the life-threatening torture, was tried for the vicious attack and five other counts of abuse. However, Sivyakov was jailed for only four years and was stripped of his rank, according to the report.
Who is Andrey Sergeyevich Sychyovn?
Andrey Sergeyevich Sychyovn was serving in the Russian military when he was beaten up by his own men.