Working from home has its benefits as well as disadvantages. When you have the privilege of not getting exposed to the outside environment, you might end up exposing things that are not meant for public viewing, during live-streaming. A Brazilian TV anchor and actor Fabio Porchat was caught in similar situation during an Instagram Live, recently.
Porchat was interviewing a politician when his wife crouched past naked leaving the interviewee in a burst of laughter. The incident occurred when Porchat was in a live talk with Brazilian presidential candidate Guilherme Boulos. The discussion was for the Porchat's mini-series 'Politics Live'.

From Serious Talk to Laughter Riot
When the duo was talking about serious issues, Boulos started laughing and Porchat was taken aback. "Somebody's walking past naked," said Boulos, not able to control his laughter. Understanding the situation, Porchat turned back and he too burst into laughter.
"Everybody saw you," said Porchat looking at his wife Nataly. Embarrassed Nataly asked if he could see her. She is also heard explaining that she tried to crouch to make sure that she was not seen in the video, but failed.
"Obviously they can see, totally, even Boulos saw," Porchat said and both the interviewee and the interviewer burst into laughter. The incident had occurred on July 3 but the video is making rounds on social media now.
Work From Home Live-Stream Bloopers
Many such incidents have been captured in live meetings since the work from home culture started due to COVD-19 pandemic. In April, a Florida journalist was reporting from the kitchen of her house when her father walked into the frame. He was still putting his shirt on and the audience had a hearty laugh.
Recently Gordon Buay, a South Sudan diplomat in the United States was criticized as he went to the toilet and began urinating while still the panel was live. In another instance, Dr Clare Wenham was being interviewed by the BBC on the issue of local lockdowns in the UK and her daughter was seen interrupting the mother and started talking. She was waving a picture of a unicorn as she was speaking to her mother who was on a live interview. In a similar instance Sky News foreign affairs editor, Deborah Haynes, was on a live call on the channel when she was interrupted by her son who was asking her for some biscuits.
— Scott Bryan (@scottygb) July 1, 2020