The spacecraft contains a rover, an orbiter, and a lander, all packed together, and if it reaches Mars, it will become China's first successful mission to the Red Planet
According to the report, the new round of funding is not likely to be completed within the next few months, and the possibility of change in terms is likely
On Thursday, the Long March 5 Y-4, China's biggest career rocket, took off with the probe from Wenchang Space Launch Centre located on the island of Hainan
Solar Orbiter carries six imaging instruments, each of which studies a different aspect of the Sun, and completed its first close pass of the Sun in mid-June
The role of NASA's Office of Planetary Protection is to promote responsible exploration of the solar system by protecting both Earth and mission destinations from contamination
Named 'AU Mic b', and orbiting, AU Microscopii or 'AU Mic', the planet is approximately the size of Neptune, and was discovered by NASA's TESS satellite
At least two Super-Earths orbiting a red dwarf known, Gliese 887 or GJ 887, have been discovered, and may possibly have atmospheres that can support life