A Catholic priest in Louisiana has been arrested for allegedly engaging in sexual acts with two women on a church altar, according to authorities. Police said that Rev. Travis Clark, 37, was caught filming himself engaging in sex with two church dominatrices and was busted after a passerby caught him red handed last month.
Although the incident took place last month, Clark was arrested and charged only on Thursday. The two women who were involved in the sexual acts were also arrested and have been booked on the same count as Clark. Police say that the three used to engage in sexual acts quite often, with Clark making a video of the encounters.
Shameful Act

According to court documents, Clark was busted after a passerby saw that the lights were on around 11 pm, which is longer than the usual time at Saints Peter and Paul Roman Catholic Church in Pearl River on September 30. The curious passerby peeked inside to find Clark half-naked on top of the altar, allegedly engaging in sex acts with the two women, who were wearing high heels and corsets and were wielding sex toys.
Besides, according to the passerby, stage lights were also set up at the altar, with several sex toys scattered around and a camera and cellphone were mounted on a tripod, which were recording the sex acts. The witness took a video footage of the unholy trinity and then called police, according to the report. Police responded to the call and reached the scene and found it exactly the way the witness had described, following which the trio was arrested.
Dominatrice or Porn Star

Police arrested Clark, along with his two altar servers, 41-year-old Mindy Dixon and 23-year-old Melissa Cheng and booked them on obscenity charges. The women told the police that they were at the church to film "roleplay" with Clark.
Although police believe that everything that happened that night was consensual, which may not be wrong, they were arrested because the sexual acts took place in public view. Hence, they have been booked on obscenity charges.

Interestingly, Dixon is reportedly an adult film actress. A day prior to the incident she had posted on social media that she was traveling to New Orleans to meet up with another dominatrix to "defile a house of God." The archbishop of the New Orleans archdiocese visited the church to perform a ritual that would restore the sanctity of the altar. Clark, who was ordained in 2013, had recently been named chaplain of Pope John Paul II High School in Slidell, in addition to his duties at St. Peter and Paul.