President Donald Trump praised Roman Catholic archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano, who wrote a letter claiming that both the coronavirus outbreak and George Floyd protests are part of a 'deep state' plot aimed at undermining the president and disrupting his re-election. Trump tweeted the letter and thanked Vigano for his views.
In the powerful letter, Vigano encouraged Trump to continue his fight on behalf of the "children of light". Vigano has often courted controversy with his strange comments. In 2018, Vigano called for the resignation of Pope Francis amid accusations that he covered up decades of sexual abuse in the Catholic Church.
Archbishop Compares Recent Events to Biblical War

Vigano, in his long-winding letter to the President, interpreted that Black Lives Matter protests and coronavirus pandemic are part of an orchestrated campaign by the evil against the good. He suggested the recent series of events taking place in the country, Church and the President are nothing but a biblical battle by the "children of darkness" trying to disrupt the lives of "children of light".
"In society, Mr President, these two opposing realities co-exist as eternal enemies, just as God and Satan are eternal enemies. And it appears that the children of darkness – whom we may easily identify with the deep state, which you wisely oppose and which is fiercely waging war against you in these days – have decided to show their cards, so to speak, by now revealing their plans," Vigano wrote. The former papal nuncio to the United States also highlighted in his letter the presence of a deep church working closely with the "deep state" to create a new world order.
Trump Gets a New Admirer
It seems Trump has taken a liking for the letter as Vigano's words are also in praise of the President. He tweeted the open letter and thanked Vigano saying: "So honored by Archbishop Vigano's incredible letter to me. I hope everyone, religious or not, reads it!"
Vigano has praised Trump for his participation in March of Life and his defense of religious freedom and his controversial visit to the John Paul II Shrine last week. The letter also says that Trump's critics within the Catholic Church are deep state agents. Moreover, Vigano also mentions that the street protests following the death of African-American George Floyd are motivated by those who want someone who embodies the goals of the deep state to be elected in the upcoming presidential election.
Vigano also accused the media of not wanting to unravel and "spread the truth". He also said that a detailed investigation into the coronavirus pandemic will unmask those who managed the Covid-19 emergency and expose a 'colossal operation of social engineering.'
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