Advanced electronic warfare capabilities are benefiting Russia in the Ukraine war as they are able to jam radar, GPS and drones, which have been disastrous to the powerful Russian tanks and armored vehicles.
In the early days of the war, Russian forces didn't give prominence to their electronic warfare capabilities and faced massive troop losses as Ukraine remained largely focused on drones and smart surveillance weapons to track and destroy Russia's attack vehicles and forces.

Ukrainian Firm Reveals Russians Are Jamming Everything
Aerorozvidka, a Ukrainian agency that develops unmanned aerial vehicles, revealed that Russian are jamming everything their systems can reach maintaining that Moscow yet doesn't dominate but hindered them greatly.
Experts have underlined that jamming a modern airfield will make fighter jets, drones and other advanced weapons vulnerable as it can be frightening if a fighter plane losses its GPS and radar at a speed of 1000 km.

Russian Army is Jamming GPS
They have also highlighted that Putin's army is engaged in GPS jamming from the nearby areas of Finland to the Black Sea.
Frank Backes, Executive with California-based Kratos Defense, which has satellite ground stations in the region, revealed that one regional Finnish carrier, Transaviabaltica, had to cancel flights on one route for a week as a result and the jamming has also disrupted Ukrainian television broadcasting, according to AP News.

In the early days of the war, Russia had made very limited use of electronic warfare as it feared that its units could be captured. Two of its such units Krasukha-4 and Borisoglebsk-2 were seized.
Krushkha is capable of jamming satellite signals, radar guidance weapons, and surveillance radar. While Borisoglebsk-2 is an advanced unit and it can jam drone guidance systems and radio-controlled land mines.
Russia claims that it has nearly 1000 Orlan-10, which is a small unmanned aerial vehicles and it's used for reconnaissance, targeting, jamming, and cellphone interception.