Right after Joe Biden slipped thrice as he ascended the stairs of Air Force One, speculations about the president's health hit the roof as several conservatives questioned his ability to govern while others went a step ahead saying Biden might be suffering from dementia.
Ronny Jackson, a physician who previously served under three presidents George Bush, Barack Obama and Donald Trump, raised concerns that Joe Biden might be hiding a major illness from the public eye and hinted that he might not be physically or mentally capable of doing the job.

His tweet that sounded alarm bells read: ''I served as White House physician under THREE Presidents. I've seen what it takes physically AND mentally to do the job. I can tell you right now that the way Biden is hiding from the public is a MAJOR red flag. Something's not right!''
However, Jackson has not physically examined Biden's fitness nor seen any previous or current medical reports of the president and has based his assumption simply by watching him talk during interviews and stumbling across the stairs while ascending the Air Force One, which is not the right way for a physician to claim about one's health, let alone diagnosis.
This is not the first time Jackson has said Biden is incapable of handling the pressures of the presidency. In February, 2020, when Biden was only a candidate running against a band of Democrats to bag the nominee, Jackson said that Biden ''might need'' to endure cognitive test to prove that he's capable of running the country.

Though several Democrats alleged that Jackson has crossed the line of bipartisanship and is drawing party lines showing bias, the Trump administration did little to reign in his statements and praised the physician at every press briefing.
Trump was impressed by the way Jackson held a press conference at the White House talking about his health saying the president "has incredibly good genes." The former president had promoted him to a higher military rank but his appointment remained under a Pentagon Inspector General investigation for misconduct and the Trump administration withdrew the consideration after facing accusations of professional impropriety.