Articles by Bikash Rai

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Meet Jedhinda, taxi driver who helped reduced maternal mortality rates by 27% in Tanzania Majority of people spend their weekends sitting on a chair and watching television. Sitting more than 3 hours in the same place may short your 9 months of life expectancy, found study.
Oct 22, 2017
Applications of walnut shell Walnut shell has multiple benefits while manufacturing branded cosmetic products as it is a key ingredient in beauty products.Walnut shell has a multiple benefits while manufacturing brand cosmetics products as it is a key factor .Walnut shell has a multiple benefits while manufacturing brand cosmetics products as it is a key factor .Walnut shell has a multiple benefits while manufacturing brand cosmetics products as it is a key factor .Walnut shell has a multiple benefits while manufacturing brand cosmetics products as it is a key factor .Walnut shell has a multiple benefits while manufacturing brand cosmetics products as it is a key factor .Walnut shell has multiple health benefits in the manufacturing of cosmetics product as it is a key factor.
Sep 27, 2017