Randy Gene Kauffman, a Republican candidate for the Maricopa County Community College District Governing Board, was caught masturbating in his car parked outside a preschool.

Kauffman Was Watching Porn and Masturbating
In the incident which took place on October 4 near the Wirtzie's Preschool and Child Care Center, Kauffman was caught masturbating with full view of preschool children having outdoor activities in the playground.
Rolling Stones reported that according to an affidavit, Kauffman was caught masturbating by Maricopa County police officer who saw his vehicle, a Ford F-150, parked near the preschool.
"I immediately became alarmed as I saw [Kaufman] had his pants down mid-thigh and was exposed showing his fully erect nude penis. [Kaufman] was manipulating his genitals in a masturbatory manor," the affidavit states. "[Kaufman] was engrossed in his activity and did not see me at the passenger side door. I was further alarmed as I saw a subject on a bicycle pedaling east approximately 8 feet by [Kaufman's] driver's side."
"I looked southwest approximately 190 feet with a full view of the Wirtzie's Preschool and Child Care Center (directly south and next to RSC Surprise) and saw several preschool age children having outdoor activities in the playground," the officer wrote. "Vehicles were entering and exiting the east drive of the lot passing [Kaufman's] vehicle from approximately 6 to 8 feet from the passenger side of the Ford."
Kauffman Claims He Was Masturbating to Relive Stress
The officer claimed that Kauffman, who was watching interracial porn on his phone, immediately covered his genitals with a cloth after getting caught.
During the questioning, the Republican admitted to have "fu**ed up."
"I'm just really stressed out. I have a lot of things going on," he told the officer, adding that he didn't notice his proximity to the preschool until the officer came up and he got out of his truck.
"I really fucked up; this is bad. You have no idea," Kauffman told the officer as per the affidavit. "I'm running for the Governing Board for the colleges. I didn't even know this was one of your sites but now I see the signs all over in the parking lot."
Following the incident, Kaufman announced his withdrawal from the campaign stating that "a personal legal matter has recently arisen."