An International spiritual organization by name Aetherius Society has claimed that Jesus Christ could be an alien from Venus.
According to a report published in the Daily Star, the spiritual organization which describes itself as a ''growing religion with a global following'', is planning a cosmic mission to the holy mountain Holdstone Down, North Devon, where their founder George King came face to face with Jesus in 1958.
The members of the spiritual organization claim that George King had heard an anonymous voice which appointed him as the earthly representative of the interplanetary parliament in the 1950s. George King later died in 1997.
The cosmic mission to the holy mountain which they call 'Operation Prayer Power' will be conducted on July 28, 2018.
"Operation Prayer Power is a Cosmic Mission devised by Dr. King in the early 1970s, in which spiritual power is invoked through prayer and mantra and directed into a specially designed physical container for later release. This pilgrimage will be followed by a social at a nearby venue," wrote the spiritual organization on their website.
The group on its website has written "Co-operating with the Gods from the space'', and they claim that their philosophies and teachings come from advanced intelligent alien forms from Mars, Saturn, Jupiter, and Venus.
In an earlier documentary, George King had recalled his experiences seeing Jesus Christ on the holy mountain.
"Dimly out of the corner of my eye I saw something in the sky. Then I saw a being which kind of appeared before me – I didn't see him walk up to me, I opened my eyes and he was there," wrote George King. He also revealed that Jesus Christ was very tall, and had long brownish hair. He described that Jesus Christ was dressed in a long robe, and there was a lot of radiance around him.
The group also claimed that Holdstone Down is just one of the holy mountains, and there are many more on the earth including Castle Peak in the Rocky Mountains in Colorado, Mount Ramshead in New South Wales, Australia, and Kilimanjaro in Tanzania.
Interestingly, the group's website has also depicted the symbol 'Om', a Hindu denotation for Lord Shiva.