Horrifying Video Shows Angry Woman Customer Who Found Plastic in Her Soup Splashing Hot Soup on Restaurant Manager

The restaurant's manager, Jannelle Broland who was doused with the hot soup at Sol de Jalisco in Temple, said that the soup was so hot that the plastic lid of the container melted.

A Texas woman might face criminal charges for throwing piping hot soup on the face of a restaurant manager after she found melted plastic in her takeout order at a popular Mexican fast food joint earler this week. The restaurant's manager, Jannelle Broland, 24, who was doused with the hot soup at Sol de Jalisco in Temple, said that the soup was so hot that the plastic lid of the container melted.

Broland is now recovering from her injuries and is still traumatized. Temple police said criminal charges were pending against the woman who splashed the hot soup on Broland. The harrowing incident which was captured on the restaurant's surveillance camera has now gone viral on social media.

Making a Big Issue

Hot Soup
The angry customer splashing hot soup on the restaurant manager Twitter

Broland could have suffered life-threatening injuries but was luckily save after a small argument took spiraled into a deadly attack by the unnamed woman customer at Sol de Jalisco in Temple. The incident happened around 1:30 pm on November 7 when Broland was on duty.

The viral video shows Broland talking with the woman as she takes the lid off the soup container and points at it. The lid somewhat looks melted. The irate customer starts an argument and Broland can be seen taking to her when the woman abruptly splashes the piping hot soup at her.

The woman then grabs her male companion and races out the restaurant door, according to the footage. A man is then seen rushing after the woman and her male companion, while Broland starts yelling in pain.

The manager said that the soup was so hot that the lid on its container melted in the broth. "The experience itself was traumatizing and heartbreaking," Broland told DailyMail.com. "[I] felt my spirit had been broken just knowing someone could do something so awful and then laugh about it."

Almost Life Threatening

Police are now looking for the unidentified soup thrower and plan to press criminal charges on her. "We do not condone this type of behavior and hold our citizens to the highest standard," Temple Police Deputy Chief Allen Teston told KCENTV. "If a citizen believes they have received poor service we advise them to remain civil until the problem is resolved."

Broland said that the woman initially called up the restaurant to complaint. Broland even offered her a free meal replacement but she refused and created the ruckus.

Jannelle Broland
Jannelle Broland after the assault Twitter

"She was inconsolable despite me offering a free meal replacement and a refund," Broland said. Broland, who is recovering from her injuries, recounted on TikTok that she told the woman not to talk down to her, and when the woman said that she would "talk to her any way [she] f****** wanted," the restaurant worker replied "no, ma'am,' you will not," and hung up the phone.

"Every time I would mention a refund or a free replacement meal, she would just cut me off and kept saying 'This is f****** ridiculous' or 'Look at this s***,'" Broland told the outlet. "She did not seem to want anything, just to berate me."

Angry customer
The angry customer arguing with the restaurant manager before splashing the hot soup on her face Twitter

Broland said that the soup was so hot that she felt she was pepper-sprayed. "By the time I got outside, there were already people recording their faces and their license plate," she said, referring to the woman and her companion.

Soon after, police arrived and Broland filed a complaint. She is still awaiting a court date, she said.
