Former U.S. President Donald Trump was trolled on social media after he claimed that he saved 'Christmas' from woke people by reintroducing 'Merry Christmas' as a way of greeting around the festival.
Trump made the dubious claim during an interview for Newsmax with Mike Huckabee, former Arkansas governor, on Thursday.

People Had Quit Saying Merry Christmas-Trump
Claiming that people started saying 'Merry Christmas' again after a long period only because he fought for it. "It was all 'Happy Holidays.' You deliberately changed that and openly said, 'Merry Christmas,' we're going to say it again," Huckabee told Trump.
"That was part of my campaign. The country had started with this 'woke,' I guess, a little bit before that. And it was embarrassing for stores to say 'Merry Christmas,'" Trump said. "You'd see these big chains, they want your money, but they don't want to say 'Merry Christmas.' And they'd use reds, and they'd use whites and snow, but they wouldn't say 'Christmas.'"
"When I started campaigning, I said: 'You're going to say Merry Christmas again.' And now people are saying it," added the former President.
Asking people to stop shopping from the stores that don't say 'Merry Christmas' Trump said, "I would say it all the time during that period, that we want them to say 'Merry Christmas.' Don't shop at stores that don't say 'Merry Christmas,' and I'll tell you, we brought it back very quickly."
Trump Gets Trolled on Social Media
The clipping of the interview prompted a lot of social media users to poke fun at the former POTUS. "Hahaha, Trump's legacy after 4 years in the WH... people back to saying Merry Christmas. Oops, sorry, Trumpy, you can't bring back something that never left! Search your 4 years for something else great that you did. We'll wait," wrote a Twitter user.
"Trump claimed that Americans are only able to wish each other 'Merry Christmas' because he fought the 'woke' and 'crazy people' who wanted to cancel the greeting..Delusional Psychopath!" wrote another user.
"None of this is even the least bit true. People never stopped saying "merry christmas", Trump never went around telling people to say it, none of this has changed. His gratuitous comments about Jefferson etc. are also totally false. How does Huckabee even keep a straight face?" read another tweet.
"It's always been "Merry Christmas"/"Happy Holidays" for years, long, long before Trump, during Trump, and post-Trump. Just an excuse to give him clout for apparently saving the world from a Christmas asteroid," opined a user.