Jonathan Zdziarski, the former jailbreak developer and iOS security researcher has announced his recent joining for a position with Apple's Security Engineering and Architecture team, owing to his uninhibited passion for protecting security and privacy of users. However, it is still unclear when Zdziarski would start working at Apple.
"This decision marks the conclusion of what I feel has been a matter of conscience for me over time. Privacy is sacred; our digital lives can reveal so much about us – our interests, our deepest thoughts, and even who we love. I am thrilled to be working with such an exceptional group of people who share a passion to protect that," he writes on his personal blog.
As iDownloadBlog reports, Zdziarski has long been offering suggestions on a wide range of topics including iCloud issues and data syncing policies while also criticising iOS security flaws and vulnerabilities, besides giving technical explanations on user privacy and so on.
Popularly nicknamed as 'NerveGas' in the jailbreaking community, he has played a vital role as part of iPhone Dev Team and Chronic Dev Team. Apple has reportedly disabled his Twitter account in order maintain confidentiality of his work on iOS security research with Apple.