Technological advancement all around the world is here to stay and grow at a rapid pace and industries are looking out for newer and robust technologies to get the job done at a much less speed and time. Governments around the globe are investing in Artificial Intelligence and making laws around them that would make society a better place and benefit the people in the long run.
Artificial Intelligence dangerous for the future?
However, there are two sides to a coin. It's a fact that AI has disrupted the job market in the pretense of fast deliverables. Most of the working class, especially the mid-range workers are at risk of AI replacing them in the long run and the axe has already reached their shoulders.
The heavy dependency on AI by several governments and industries has created a ripple in the job market which might soon end up being a tsunami of job losses and in return, hurt the livelihoods of millions of people and cause distress to themselves and their families.
AI creates a rift between a man and machine
Technological advancement has been around since more than two centuries and almost all of it have benefited mankind both directly or indirectly, but Artificial Intelligence has threatened the very fabric of human labour and created an unhealthy competition between machine and hand labour.

Without a doubt, Artificial Intelligence is cost-effective to several companies and also gets the desired results in a much lesser time and they can proudly showcase their technological superiority among their competitors.
The future belongs to those who automate
The future now stands to those who automate and several industries are treading the path of AI and investing their resources in research and development to bring out the growth of machine learning and replace the mid-level labour of the economy.
The policymakers in the US, EU and China have drafted framework to Artificial Intelligence and have already penetrated the market in industries such as car production, chemical and plastic production and chip installments. The leaders from the rest of the world have already kept the idea of AI on their shoulders and it's only a matter of time the rules will be implemented causing widespread distress among the working class, where jobs are scarce.
For a common man, technological advancements is a good sign when it helps and benefits them that reduces their work and make life easy, that's what technology should be all about. But for the business class and leaders, AI is a means to dash out more production in a much shorter time and create revenue for themselves and their companies.
So, is AI good or bad?
In the end of the ring, both are right - The rule of life is to bring revenue, either for themselves or their families. For the working class, labour rules and for the business class, technological advancement rules, but this time they want to do it by eliminating the human brain and replacing it with Artificial Intelligence.
None can decide which is right or wrong and once AI is implemented in the future, only time will tell if that was a costly affair or not.