Pavel Durov, the CEO of Telegram, was arrested by French police on Saturday evening at Le Bourget airport. Durov, often called "Russia's Mark Zuckerberg," faces several charges related to alleged criminal activities on Telegram. The app, which he founded, has approximately 900 million active users. The arrest marks a significant turn of events for the tech billionaire.

At the time of his arrest, Durov was accompanied by a woman identified as Juli Vavilova. Reports indicate that Vavilova, who is believed to be Durov's girlfriend, was also taken into custody. This has led to speculation about her role in the arrest. Some theories suggest that Vavilova might have been under surveillance, which inadvertently led authorities to Durov. Alternatively, it is possible that her presence drew attention to their location.
Juli Vavilova, 24, is a crypto coach and social media personality from Dubai. She has a following of over 20,000 on Instagram, where she shares her interests in gaming, crypto, and languages. Vavilova is fluent in English, Russian, Spanish, and Arabic. Her social media posts often feature her travels and interactions with Durov, including their recent appearances in Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, and Azerbaijan.

The couple's recent trip to Paris on a private jet, just before their arrest, has added fuel to the speculation. Vavilova's Instagram stories and highlights show numerous photos of her and Durov together, suggesting a close relationship. Their arrival in Paris shortly before their arrest has led to theories that Vavilova might have drawn attention to their location, either accidentally or intentionally.
Speculation about Vavilova's role in the arrest ranges widely. Some believe she might have been a key factor in the authorities' decision to arrest Durov. Theories include her being a honeytrap or even a covert operative for intelligence agencies. However, these theories remain unconfirmed, and her exact involvement in the events leading up to the arrest remains unclear.
Since the arrest, there has been no communication with Vavilova, according to news reports from AFP. Her loved ones have been unable to reach her, adding to the mystery surrounding the case. As the situation develops, more details about Durov's arrest and Vavilova's involvement are expected to emerge.
The arrest of Pavel Durov is a significant event for the tech world and raises questions about the future of Telegram. As authorities continue their investigation, the public waits for further updates on the circumstances surrounding this high-profile case.