British journalist Flora Gill grabbed sparked international outrage this week after she posted a now-deleted tweet that pitched pornographic content for children.
Gill posted the tweet in question on Thursday and even though the post has since been deleted there are ample screenshots on the internet.
'Someone Needs to Create Porn for Children'

She proposed, "Someone needs to create porn for children." Teenagers are already watching pornography, she argued, but all they see are hardcore, "aggressive videos that give a terrible view of sex."
"They need entry level porn! A soft core site where everyone asks for consent and no one gets choked etc," added.
She later doubled down on her statement by clarifying the definition of "children" in a follow-up tweet (also deleted). "To clarify, children means under 18. I'm talking about 14/15/16 year olds," she wrote.
Backlash on Twitter
Gill's tweet immediately drew criticism on social media. One of the most vile things I've read on here," commented Breitbart UK journalist Chris Tomlinson in response."Utterly evil."
"You would think that adults would all have the moral decency to get children to NOT watch porn, but apparently not. People like this is why I think our society is so unhealthy right now," another user commented.
Gill responded to the backlash by claiming she had deleted her post to avoid "getting swept up into another twitter cesspool and said her suggestion was "obviously not an actual solution."
She also urged people to let the whole issue go instead of circulating screenshots of her post. "Apropos of nothing I really think if someone quickly deletes a tweet, it shouldn't be screenshotted and shared like... just let it die, you know? no? no one else agree?" Gill said.
However, that didn't stop the criticism. "Starting a tweet with the word apropos isn't going to help getting a stupid tweet about 'making entry level porn for children' forgotten. It would be illegal. One might hope that any 'journalist' but especially the daughter of recent Home Secretary Amber Rudd, would know that," a user tweeted.
Who is Flora Gill?
Gill is a writer who has worked for GQ magazine, Grazia, the Evening Standard and The Sunday Times Magazine. She also hosts a podcast called "Split Opinion" for U.K.-based Times Radio.
In addition to her career as a journalist, Gill has been a relatively known figure in British society for a while, being that she's the daughter of Amber Rudd, a conservative member of British Parliament, Secretary of State and former Home Secretary for prior Prime Minister Theresa May.