Bradley J. Moon, a 30-year-old Washington State Police officer, was terminated after an investigation revealed he had placed an "anti-Biden" sticker on his police cruiser. The sticker, displaying the phrase "Let's Go Brandon," is widely recognized as a coded insult against President Joe Biden, and its display violated city and department regulations prohibiting political speech.

The issue first came to light in August 2023 when a member of the public noticed the sticker on Moon's department-issued vehicle and confronted him. Moon reportedly dismissed the concerns, telling the individual that the sticker wasn't political and to "get a life." However, the phrase "Let's Go Brandon" had gained significant political traction as a less vulgar way of saying "F--- Joe Biden," especially among Republican circles.
A lengthy seven-month investigation followed, with Moon's superiors questioning him about the sticker. Moon claimed he was unaware of the phrase's political implications, explaining that he had purchased the sticker in support of a colleague's son, Brandon, who had suffered a medical emergency. Despite this, internal reports suggest that Moon bragged to fellow officers about the sticker, even stating that then-Spokane Mayor Nadine Woodward had complimented it. He also mentioned to other officers that he anticipated potential trouble over the display but did not remove it.
Records from Spokane's Office of the Police Ombudsman indicate that Moon had the sticker on his vehicle for at least eight weeks during the summer of 2023. The report also revealed that Moon's fellow officers were aware of the sticker's political nature but did not report it. One officer even complimented the sticker, while a sergeant admitted knowing its derogatory meaning towards President Biden but chose not to act on it at the time.
Moon, a decorated officer who had received the city's Medal of Merit in 2009 and was named Employee of the Year in 2005, was officially dismissed on May 8, 2024. His termination came after the department's Administrative Review Panel concluded that the sticker was a clear violation of policy and that its display on a police vehicle damaged the reputation of the Spokane Police Department. The panel emphasized that any supervisor should have recognized the political nature of the sticker and taken immediate action.
Four of Moon's supervisors were reprimanded for failing to address the issue promptly. The investigation also found that Moon had issued false or misleading statements during the probe and had engaged in prohibited political speech, further solidifying his breach of department policies.
The Spokane Police Guild, which represented Moon during the investigation as per state law, stated it would not contest his termination. Moon, however, could not be reached for comment regarding his dismissal. Efforts to contact Nadine Woodward, the former mayor mentioned in the investigation, were also unsuccessful.