A Los Angeles-based doctor who specializes in radiology contracted Covid-19 despite receiving both the shots of Pfizer vaccine six months ago. Days later his wife tested positive for the virus even after taking both the jabs and the couple is currently undergoing treatment.
Reports state the duo are in the path to recovery and out of danger. Dr. Eugene Choi and his wife remain in quarantine and revealed to Fox News that he was taken by surprise after the test results turned out to be positive. ''Even when I think about it today, it's crazy. I can't believe I have covid,'' he said.

Dr. Choi warned that the United States might soon start seeing breakthrough Covid-19 cases as state governments are slowly easing restrictions and allowing people to move freely.
''Next week, Los Angeles is going to open, so there will probably be less masking, less social distancing. Probably more people that are (vaccinated) will get sick, and this may become a bigger, bigger problem down the line,'' he predicted.
However, Dr. Choi revealed that he's glad to have received both the doses and encouraged people to get their jab at the earliest. The doctor stated that his condition could have turned worse if not for the jab and the antibodies helped in fighting off the virus making his symptoms mild.
A new study from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention shed light that Pfizer and Moderna vaccines are about 90% effective against infection after the second dose and Johnson & Johnson vaccine is about 72% effective against moderate to severe disease, according to U.S. trials.
The report also states that 933 people reported breakthrough Covid-19 cases after receiving their second jab and most of them were not life threating and recovered quickly with medication.
What Is Breakthrough Covid-19 Infection?
A breakthrough infection is a case where fully vaccinated people contract the virus, as the vaccine doesn't produce full immunity in the body and fails to fight off the virus entirely. However, health experts state that breakthrough cases are small in numbers worldwide and is less than 1% of all the doses administered.
Experts claim the reason for breakthrough cases might be due to a person's weak immune system, virus mutation and improper administration or storage of the vaccine which makes it vulnerable to fight off the virus.