Ex US Army officer Walter Haut, who worked as a press officer, kept a secret up until his death in 2005 and it was only revealed to his friends in 2000. A video which was filmed by Dennis Bathaser and Wendy Connors, his childhood friends, detailed his extraterrestrial experiences.
Haut was among the first officers to have attended the infamous Roswell crash in New Mexico on July 8, 1947, where it is reported that a flying saucer crashed in the area and the government covered it up by not providing complete details of the incident and hid vital information from the public.

Since then, wild conspiracy theories have been doing the rounds by UFO enthusiasts and each have their own version of details as to what might have happened on that fateful day in 1947.
Researcher and UFO enthusiast Anthony Bragalia was the first to get hold of the video of Walter Haut from Dennis Bathaser and Wendy Connors and uploaded it on his website confirming the existence of UFO's.
In the video, Haut claims he saw "one body" in the Roswell crash and it was a "relatively small body" that could be compared to a "10 or 11-year-old child." He said in the video that the body was "pretty well beaten up" during the crash but could not remember the colour of the body at the time of the recording.

Bragalia spoke to The Sun saying the video was previously viewed by only Haut's close circles and took approval from Bathaser and Connors for redistribution so the world can see the truth about UFO's.
''The video was given to me by a close friend of Walter Haut's named Dennis Balthaser for distribution. The video had previously only been viewed by a small circle of researchers and Haut family members. Given all the new information on UFOs coming out, they felt the time was right to let everyone see it. The confessional video helps to confirm the extraterrestrial nature of the Roswell crash,'' he said.
Also, in 1947, Haut had written in the army press that he saw a ''flying disk'' in the crash on a ranch near Roswell during a powerful storm and days later his story was redacted and changed as the United States Army Air Force passed off the crash as an air balloon crash.
Haut remained silent about the Rosewell crash all throughout his career but signed a document on his death bed in 2005 saying he witnessed ''some type of craft and its crew from outer space.''