An unidentified flying object was spotted over a town in Derbyshire, England. Similar reports came from passengers of an aircraft which was prevented from landing at an airport nearby.
Flashing green and red lights, the mysterious flying object was caught on film by residents of Long Eaton. The UFO can be seen hovering in one spot in the five-minute footage.
While speaking to Derbyshire Live, Bill Pearce, the person who shot the video, explained that he saw his neighbor 'waving' at something in the sky, the object appeared to be changing colors, this prompted him to film the entire scene.

Pearce mentioned that when he posted the footage on social media, many users tried to debunk the UFO theory and suggested that it might have been a plane or a drone but he was sure it was neither because, the object did not make any noise and kept hovering at the same spot for a long time, as per the Mirror.
"I think there were some issues that caused aborted landings at East Midlands Airport last night so they may be linked," he added later.
Several flights had delayed landings at the East Midlands Airport, where the object was seen, on Thursday night. According to Flight Radar, a flight tracking app, this continued till Friday morning and a few planes were left with option but to circle the airspace above Leicestershire, before being cleared to land.

The Airport security believes that the object might be a drone launched from the Download Festival organized in Leicestershire, which began on Friday and will continue till Sunday. The festival is understood as UK's largest rock fest and every year records thousands of people in attendance.
As rise of these UFO sightings has become very apparent in the past few months, the US government has planned to collaborate with NASA scientists to dig deep into these incidents. Pentagon's Unidentified Aerial Phenomena program is expected to assist the space agency as they work to establish the origin of these mysterious flying objects.