This Company Is Raking in Money Building Bunkers as Elites Fear Spread of Crime Pandemic

Elites believe that the coronavirus pandemic could result in an economic shutdown, that could result in social unrest and an increase in crime rate

The wild imaginations of conspiracy theorists are apparently coming true as the ultra-rich and elites are vigorously buying luxurious underground bunkers to protect themselves. Interestingly, the elites are not buying these luxurious bunkers to stay away from coronavirus, instead, they are scared about the civil and social unrest that could happen in the wake of the pandemic.

Gary Lynch of the Rising S Company that manufactures luxury bunkers revealed that elites are actually worried about the economic breakdown that could happen in the United States due to the coronavirus outbreak.

Company Manufacturing Luxury Bunkers Reveals Trend

Underground Bunker
An Underground Bunker constructed by the Rising S Company Rising S Company/BBC News

"People are buying not specifically for the coronavirus, people are buying the shelters for what the coronavirus can bring. The United States is very vulnerable economically and if there were a collapse we would see civil and social unrest. What you are going to have is people going door-to-door trying to do harm, trying to steal, trying to take food, and trying to take possessions," Lynch told BBC.

Lynch also added that his company's clients feel safe and secure as they spend time in these luxurious bunkers. It should be noted that many of these underground bunkers are made from protective steels, and they also have bullet-resistant doors. These bunkers also have food storage rooms that can hold up to six months of supplies.

Cost of these Luxurious Bunkers

Lynch revealed that some of these bunkers are equipped with shooting ranges, and the largest one they have built measures 13,000 square feet, and it is being now sold to a mystery client. Even though the base price of a bunker made by Rising S is $50,000, an advanced underground shelter with advanced amenities could cost millions.

Lynch claimed that New Zealand is the hottest destination of ultra-rich who are currently looking for a hideout. "New Zealand is an enemy of no one. It's not a nuclear target. It's not a target for war. It's a place where people seek refuge," Lynch added.

Related topics : Coronavirus