In a recent Instagram post, supermodel Bella Hadid, known for her Palestinian heritage on her father's side, has finally spoken out about the ongoing Palestine-Israel conflict. She began her heartfelt message with an apology for her prior silence.

"I have yet to find the ideal words for this deeply intricate and horrific past two weeks, weeks that have turned the world's attention back towards a situation that has been taking innocent lives and affecting families for decades. I have much to say, but for today, I will keep it short," Bella expressed.
Bella shared her personal experiences during this crisis, including receiving numerous death threats, the leaking of her phone number, and the feeling of her family being in danger. She emphasized that she could not remain silent any longer and called for an end to fear. She highlighted the suffering endured by the people of Palestine, especially in Gaza, and expressed her solidarity with those affected.
"My heart is bleeding with pain from the trauma I am seeing unfold, as well as the generational trauma of my Palestinian blood. Seeing the aftermath from the airstrikes in Gaza, I mourn with all the mothers who have lost children and the children who cry alone, all the lost fathers, brothers, sisters, uncles, aunties, friends that will never again walk this earth," Bella wrote.
Bella also acknowledged the suffering of Israeli civilians at the hands of Hamas and condemned attacks on any civilians, regardless of their history. She stressed the importance of understanding the hardships faced by Palestinians and refuted the stereotype of Palestinians as terrorists.
Bella delved into her family's history, sharing that her father was born in Nazareth during the Nakba in 1948 when many Palestinians were displaced. She detailed the plight of her grandparents, who were never allowed to return to their homeland. She pointed out the ongoing practice of settlements on Palestinian land and the pain it has caused.
Bella placed blame on governments rather than religious differences, calling for unity in defending humanity and compassion. She emphasized that all religions advocate for peace and that it is corrupt governments that perpetuate conflict.

The model also addressed the urgent humanitarian crisis in Gaza, calling for access to water and food for families and fuel for hospitals. She stressed the importance of upholding the laws of war and putting pressure on leaders to ensure that innocent Palestinian civilians are not forgotten casualties of the conflict.
Bella's Instagram post received support from her fans, including her mother, Yolanda Hadid, and others who commended her for her courage and unwavering support for Palestine.
The Palestine-Israel conflict, exacerbated by the recent assault by Hamas, has led to a significant and escalating death toll, along with accusations of war crimes on both sides. Bella Hadid's statement has added her voice to the ongoing international discussion surrounding this longstanding conflict.