A dead body was fished out of the water at Changi Beach on 28 January. However, the body is yet to be identified and police are trying to figure out what happened to the victim.
The incident happened at around 6pm near Carpark 6 when a man spotted something in the water which looked like a corpse and alerted another man who was fishing with a net. The man then pulled the body out of the water and a passer-by helped him drag the body to the beach. "It looked like the dead man was missing his eyes," said an eyewitness according to The Straits Times
Facebook user Indra Eth, who was at the beach at that time, posted his whole experience. "Earlier, 2 guys approached me to ask if I saw something floating coz he felt it looked like a human arm. I then saw it, but couldn't confirm. Then, the 2 guys told a group of anglers to check. So they went and true, a dead man," he wrote in the post.
The police were immediately alerted about the incident. An investigation has been ordered into the matter and officers are questioning people on the beach.