A Mississippi coast man is accused of killing a judge's dog in retaliation for the judge ordering the man's dog euthanized after it mauled a 6-year-old girl.
According to the Biloxi Sun Herald, Hancock County (Miss.) Justice Court Judge Desmond Hoda on Friday issued his order the pit bull be euthanized, after it severely injured the girl.
The following day, the dog's owner, 59-year-old Norman Archer Jr., reportedly broke into the Hancock County Animal Shelter and removed his pit bull before it could be euthanized.
Archer Allegedly Poisoned Judge Hoda's Dog, was Spotted Near His Property
Later that same day, Hoda's dog, an 8-year-old German Shepard, went missing and was later found dead of what authorities suspect was poisoning, according to the report. Archer had reportedly been seen in the area of Hoda's property on Saturday.
Archer was on the run until Wednesday, when Hancock County deputies located and arrested him. Archer is charged with commercial burglary, larceny and retaliation against a public official.
Archer was Warned About Keeping His Dog Confined, Asked to Post Warning Signs About Pet's Aggressive Behavior Before Ordering Euthanization
Hoda and other Hancock County Justice Court judges have tried for over a year to require Archer to keep his dog confined and to post warning signs about the dog being aggressive so he could keep his dog without endangering the public.
But in the final order to euthanize Diesel, Hoda cited the dog's "repeated and unprovoked" attacks for over a year on other dogs and people that culminated in an Oct. 20 mauling of a 6-year-old girl. The little girl had such severe injuries, Hoda wrote, that she had to be airlifted to a hospital for treatment.
In the filings, Hoda detailed how Hancock County Animal Control Officer Travis Vernaci had witnessed the pit bull attacking other dogs and how the officer had to use his Taser on him. Archer tried to argue his dog was gentle and wouldn't attack people.