Seventy-five-year-old peace activist Martin Gugino in a text message has responded to the conspiracy theory propagated by President Donald Trump.
President Trump in what now is being labeled an unsubstantiated peddled conspiracy theory that the 75-year-old Catholic peace activist was attempting to jam police scanners. US President Trump also said that Martin Gugino might have "faked his fall. "

"75 year old Martin Gugino was pushed away after appearing to scan police communications in order to black out the equipment," Trump said in a morning tweet that provided little clarification.
Citing a report on conservative news network OANN, Trump said: "I watched, he fell harder than was pushed. Was aiming scanner. Could be a set up?" He also said Gugino "could be" an anarchist "provocateur," but provided no evidence for that assertion.
Martin Gugino who was left bleeding on the ground while the Buffalo police stepped over him, however, has responded in a rather benevolent way saying "Black lives matter."
In a text to the USA TODAY Network New York, Martin Gugino refused to play the blame game and responded, "No comment other than Black lives matter. Just out of the ICU. Should recover eventually. Thx."
Friends of the peace activist has joined in support condemning the attack launched President Trump saying that the one thing Martin is not - a wily Antifa provocateur.
A longtime friend and neighbor of Martin Gugino told the NYT that he could never be "antifa."
"Antifa? Oh, heavens no," said Judy Metzger, 85, who lives near Gugino in Amherst. "Martin is a very gentle, a very pleasant person."
According to a report in Religion News, Martin Gugino who remains in the Erie County Medical Center in serious condition, though he is no longer in intensive care is a devout Catholic. Friends of Gugino say that he is passionate about fighting for justice for the poor and he spent his retirement being part of several causes including Black Lives Matter.
Conspiracy Theory 1 - Buffalo Protester Martin Gugino Staged the Fall
Thousands have seen the viral video that shows a tall and lanky Gugino in front of the police with what seems to be a cellphone in his hand. Two of the officers shove him and he falls backward, cracking his head against the ground. As blood seeps out of his right ear, several officers walk by him.

The video, however, has become a point of contention with conspiracy theorists suggesting that the entire act was staged.
Several conspiracy theories have since have posted images of Martin moments before his showdown with the Buffalo police. The image shows a bump on the back of his skull, which it is suggested could be a can of fake blood fitted with a squirting device. It was being speculated that the device is connected to a wire.
Conspiracy Theory 2- Martin Gugino Provoked Cops
Video footage that emerged from Niagara Square, taken moments before Martin Gugino was shoved by the Buffalo police, shows him in an argument with other protesters who did not want him around.
There is a conspiracy theory that suggests that Martin Gugino was trying to get punched in the face before he was pushed aside by the police officers.
In the footage, Gugino got into an argument with protesters. An African American male wearing a hat is seen speaking towards the camera while pointing to Martin: "This dude right here, he just started asking questions and he said he came down here for fun."
"What the f—k is fun about this s—t? I don't see no f-----g grill, I don't see no music, I don't see no dancing," the African-American man. The man then again points to the 75-year-old and says he "looking to get punched in the face." The video ends with Gugino arguing with a blonde woman.
Conspiracy Theory 3 - Martin seen talking on phone after fall despite brain injury
As per the latest updates from the lawyer of Martin, the 75-year-old who was hospitalized after he was pushed by a police officer during a peaceful protest in Buffalo, New York, has suffered a brain injury as a result of the incident, reported NBC.
Social media users, however, are questioning how despite a brain injury moments after the incident Martin Gugino was seen talking on a phone.
An image shared on Twitter shows Martin Gugino on phone speaking to someone while being taken away by medics after he was found in a pool of blood.