A letter attributed to a former undercover officer at NPPD named Raymond Wood was released at a news conference on Saturday, suggesting that FBI and the police were behind the assassination of Malcolm X, a profound orator and prominent leader who supported black separatism.
The letter stated that Raymond Wood was pressurized to lure Malcolm X's security details into committing crimes that led to their arrests ahead of the civil rights activist's killing. Moreover, the arrests of the two security personnel of Malcolm kept them from managing the door of the ballroom, where Malcolm was supposed to give a speech the day he was fatally shot.
The new revelation by the family members of Malcolm X along with Raymond Wood's brother Reggie Wood, who joined the news conference at the site where the Audubon Ballroom once stood, has left everyone in a state of shock.
Malcolm X promoted the Nation's teachings with controversial beliefs that said black people are the original in the world while white are the devils, that black people are superior to whites and that the death of the white race was imminent. Malcolm was shot to death at the age of 39 inside the Harlems Audubon Ballroom in the city of New York by assassins who were identified to be members from the Nation of Islam.
The 1965 killing of the famous black activist and civil rights advocate was broadcast by a special CNN report titled - Witnessed: The assassination of Malcolm X on February 17, 2015 which showed several people revealing what they saw at the ballroom including his daughter Ilyasah Shabazz.

Which Gun was Used to Assassinate Malcolm X?
Malcolm X was shot with a sawed-off shotgun, which is a type of shotgun with shorter gun barrel. This type of gun is typically under 18 inches and often not available in the market. Despite the colloquial term, barrels do not necessarily have to be shortened with a saw.
Documentary: Who killed Malcolm X?
In 2020, a documentary on the works of historian Abdur Rahman Muhammad investigating the murder of the famed black activist was released where Talmadge Hayer named his four conspirators - Benjamin Thomas, Leon Davis, William X and a man whose name went by the letter W, but wasn't clearly mentioned. Malcolm X is considered the second most influential leader of the Nation of Islam after Elijah Muhammad.