President Joe Biden has been doing all the uncalled for things on his trip to COP26 climate change summit. After dozing off during the Barbados' Prime Minister's speech, Biden during his inaugural speech mispronounced Glasgow as 'Glass-cow'. Since then the President has been a subject of jokes and memes on social media.
As world leaders gather in the city for the huge conference, the US leader made the slip up, which is common among Americans. However, Glaswegians have been left tearing their hair out and hasn't taken it so lightly. But that is nothing new for Biden who has done such things on several occasions since becoming President.
Hilarious Slip
Footage from the inaugural day of the summit shows Biden saying: "If we commit to doing our part of each of our nations with determination and with ambition, that's what COP26 is all about." And then he makes the slip: "Glass Cow must be the kick off of a decade of ambition and innovation to prepare our shared future."
However, that was not the only thing Biden did at the summit that has made the social media laugh and mock him. The President was also caught on camera sleeping while the Prime Minister of Barbados was delivering his speech. First lady Jill Biden was seen sitting next to him as he tried to open his eyes and then again fall asleep.
The act was so hilarious that even former President Donald Trump mocked at Biden for falling asleep. That said, Biden came under fire for mispronouncing Glasgow as "Glass Cow".
Social Media Rips Biden

It didn't take long for the netizens to crack jokes on the President, who has done this on numerous occasions earlier. One Twitter user wrote: "It's not Glass Cow like Biden just said. Like watching a little boy reading his lines at his first school play."
"We Scots say 'Glass Go'. But if you are born and bred in the city would say 'Glesga'," wrote another user.
"Will somebody please tell Biden that its pronounced Glas - Go and not Glas Cow like Moscow!" wrote yet another Twitter user.
Interestingly, this isn't also the first time that Biden has mispronounced Glasgow. While hosting a virtual summit earlier in April that included heads of 40 nations, Biden had pronounced Glasgow as "Glass Cow." That summit was a curtain raiser of COP 26 climate change summit. And this time he did it again.
A further comment on Twitter read: "O.K. Joe Biden referred to Glasgow as 'Glass Cow' like a lot of Americans do.
It comes as broadcaster Krishnan Guru-Murthy has appealed to news organizations around the world to pronounce Glasgow properly ahead of COP26. Krishnan wrote on his Twitter feed that he was unhappy with the way the Scots city was being pronounced in the run up to Cop26.
He wrote: "Dear American and other friends - it's pronounced Glas-go not glas-gow. Watching everyone get it wrong on US news channels is painful."