President-elect Joe Biden and his team have launched their official transition website as well as social media channels, while the current administration, especially Donald Trump still in denial mode that he can lose the election and refused to concede defeat.
The Biden-Harris team spent months making the arrangements. On the new website——the team outlined a "seven-point plan" to defeat the COVID-19 which devasted the US. It also said that "we aren't just going to rebuild what has worked in the past. This is our opportunity to build back better than ever."

New America
Despite what political drama is going on in the US regarding the legal battle as well as the unproven claims about the vote fraud, the Biden-Harris duo gained the most popular votes in this year's election, and without wasting any time the team started to work on the road map ahead.
In a statement the President-elect Biden said:
"The crises we are facing are severe - from a global pandemic to an economic recession to racial injustice to the climate crisis. Our work continues full speed today."
The tweet from the newly created Twitter handle, "Biden-Harris Presidential Transition" says that "We stand together as one America. We will rise stronger than we were before."
On Monday, November 9 Biden is expected to name a group of leading scientists as his advisors. This step is important as well as extremely necessary to create an "action plan" on how to deal with the Coronavirus pandemic, which has already claimed more than 237,100 lives and affected 9 million Americans.
However, Biden also has "agency review teams" to consider how the new administration wants to lead the country towards a better and bright future. The statement also added that "across the board, we will continue laying the foundation for the incoming Biden-Harris administration to successfully restore faith and trust in our institutions and lead the federal government."
However, from the day the campaign started in the US till now, the Biden-Harris duo has four major priorities and that includes, including Coronavirus pandemic, economic recovery, racial equality, and climate change.
However, the current president is not accepting the fact that he has lost the election and continues to show his disagreement with the current scenario on Twitter. Recently he declared in a tweet that "I WON THE ELECTION, GOT 71,000,000 LEGAL VOTES" – but Twitter immediately flagged it as misleading. However, it did not end there, as he is still posting several tweets regarding unproven vote fraud and nobody knows when he is going to concede.