Prolific iOS hacker timhstar has recently announced the New Year's Eve release of a new tool called 'Prometheus', which enables users to downgrade/upgrade devices to unsigned firmwares. This feat can be accomplished using the saved .shsh2 blobs via auto-tsschecker, a new utility tool designed by a Redditor named '1Conan'.
1Conan's new tool saves users the trouble of running lengthy and complicated commands as it automatically saves the .shsh2 blobs for the currently signed versions. The only prerequisite is that you will need the ECID of your iPhone, iPad or iPod Touch in order to use the tool.
How to locate the ECID and device identifier of your iPhone, iPad or iPod Touch
- Connect your iOS device to computer
- Open iTunes and click on Summary tab in the left-hand pane
- Select the Serial number field in the Summary tab to reveal the ECID of your device
- Right-click on it and copy/save it to the clipboard
- Once again click on the Serial number field in the Summary tab to reveal the device or model identifier.
Note: You will need to save the hexadecimal format of ECID as the decimal version will save incomplete or incorrect .shsh2 blobs. If the saved ECID has letters then it is already in the hexadecimal format. You can convert decimal ECID to its hex values, using this website.
How to save .shsh2 blobs for iPhone, iPad, iPod Touch
- Navigate to the web link: https://tsssaver.1conan.com
- Copy and paste the ECID in the designated field after opening the above link
- Choose your device type: iPhone, iPad or iPod Touch
- Now, enter your iOS device's identifier. For instance, if your iPhone's device identifier is iPhone 9, 1, then just enter "9, 1" in the identifier field next to the device type.
- Finally, hit the Submit button to continue. You will be redirected to the result's page wherein you can find the link to your saved .shsh2 blobs.
Note: The link to your .shsh2 blobs will be permanently saved at the URL: https://tsssaver.1conan.com/shsh/ (ensure that you have converted the HEX ECID to decimal version). In case you lost the link or you want to re-download the saved .shsh2 blobs, then you can always revisit this link.
Interested users may download the revised version (ver.2) of the auto-tsschecker tool here.
[Source: Reddit]