Here is Why Hashtag Inventor Chris Messina Left Twitter

The American Blogger and Product Consultant did not like how Twitter was functioning for past few months.

Chris Messina

Microblogging platform Twitter is in the news almost every day for the last 6 months. The platform that is experiencing massive changes since the time of ownership change has now faced another setback. After the morning news of several celebrities and public figures losing verification tags, now Chris Messina the man who invented Hashtags has left the platform and now his account is private.

Chris Messina revolutionized social media in 2007 when he invented hashtags (#) that allow users to apply dynamic, user-generated tagging that made it possible for others to easily find messages with a specific theme or content. Like many other celebs, his blue tick was also revoked by Twitter, but this is not the reason behind his leaving Twitter. It was the way Twitter handled the verification issue has miffed him.

He said, "My choice isn't about the badge. It's about everything that leads to the badge and how it has been handled. Whatever Twitter was before deserved more dignity and consideration than it received in the last six months," His account is now been set to private.

As far as his invention is concerned, it is undeniably one of the biggest contributions to social media. Twitter itself has a dedicated box for trending hashtags. Though Musk himself is no fan of Hashtags, this does not make this crucial tagging feature any less important.

It is to be noted that this morning Twitter revoked the blue ticks from many notable accounts including Football icon Christiano Ronaldo, Indian Mega Star Amitabh Bachchan, Cricket Legends Sachin Tendulkar, and M.S. Dhoni to name a few.