A Florida elementary school principal and a third-grade teacher were arrested after hosting a house party where 100 minors allegedly drank alcohol and smoked marijuana, police said.

Elizabeth Hill-Brodigan, 47, principal of Roosevelt Elementary School, and Karly Anderson, a third-grade teacher at the same school, were taken into custody after police responded to multiple complaints on January 19. The party, held at Hill-Brodigan's home, reportedly drew large crowds of teenagers.
According to police, parties like this were common. Some students told officers that similar gatherings happened once or twice a month.
The incident began around 7:45 p.m. when teens arrived at the principal's home to help set up. They found coolers stocked with alcohol. By 8:45 p.m., police were called to the Cocoa Beach neighborhood after reports of loud music, alcohol use, and possible drug activity. Officers arrived to find cars blocking the road and teenagers openly consuming alcohol and marijuana.
Many of the attendees wore matching shirts from a "white lie party," a trend where guests wear white T-shirts with small, humorous lies written on them.
At 9:20 p.m., an officer called Hill-Brodigan, who claimed she was nearby and would handle the situation. However, neighbors continued to complain about kids trespassing and yelling obscenities. When police returned at 9:30 p.m., they found the party still in full swing. Hill-Brodigan reassured officers that she was shutting it down, but events spiraled further.
By 10:30 p.m., officers received a bizarre 911 call from a juvenile claiming there were gunmen at a nearby park engaging in "satanic activity." Police investigated but found no such incident. When they returned to the house party, most attendees had fled.
Around 11:30 p.m., an intoxicated teen driver ran a stop sign and nearly crashed into a police vehicle. Officers arrested the underage driver for DUI and cited a passenger for marijuana possession. Meanwhile, another officer discovered a teen vomiting and shaking in the front yard of Hill-Brodigan's home. Firefighters responded, but Hill-Brodigan turned off her house lights, forcing them to use their vehicle's auxiliary lights to treat the child.
As emergency responders assisted the sick teen, Anderson began yelling at them. Slurring her words and smelling of alcohol, she identified herself as a teacher. When told minors were drinking at the party, she angrily interrupted, admitting she already knew.
Authorities later obtained videos from students, showing one masked teen brandishing a firearm, fights breaking out, and a student with a learning disability being punched. Witnesses told police that Hill-Brodigan made no effort to stop the party.
On January 20, officers attempted to interview Hill-Brodigan, but she refused to cooperate. She was later arrested and charged with child neglect, contributing to the delinquency of a minor, and hosting an open house party. Anderson was charged with child neglect and contributing to the delinquency of a minor.
Both educators were placed on administrative leave, the school district confirmed. The investigation remains ongoing.