The Florida diner, where the owner posted a sign mentioning that it will not be serving anyone who supports President Joe Biden, was forced to temporarily shut its doors on Wednesday after it was bombarded with phone calls to buy meals for veterans as a result of which, it ran out of food. DeBary Diner owner Angie Ugarte said that the outlet is now unable to meet customers' requests.
Following the Kabul airport attack that killed 13 U.S. soldiers last month, Ugarte posted a sign in the DeBary, Florida, restaurant's window informing those who supported Biden to go somewhere else to order their food.
Growing in Popularity

Ugarte's decision not to serve Biden supporters made DeBary a hit with veterans the very next day. So much so that she is now struggling to cater to their demands. So, Ugarte decided to temporarily shut the outlet after running out of food.
"I've gotten so many people calling me from all over the world, from Europe, trying to purchase meals for veterans, which I still haven't been able to organize," Ugarte said. "I think that the veterans will be fed for the rest of the year at the rate I'm getting donations," she added.
Following the Kabul airport attack, Ugarte in her own way to slam Biden for his decision to withdraw troops from Afghanistan posted a sign in the window of the DeBary Diner that read: "If you voted for and continue to support and stand behind the worthless, inept and corrupt administration currently inhabiting the White House that is complicit in the death of our servicemen and women in Afghanistan, please take your business elsewhere."
Various news outlets wrote about the sign earlier this week, following which Ugarte was flooded with calls, with Trump supporters rushing in to order food for veterans. She has also received a huge amount in the form of donations over the past week but unfortunately the diner is now closed.
Overwhelming Support

Ugarte since posting the sign has received overwhelming support. Many of her supporters came from across Florida to pose with the sign. One woman even brought a Trump 2020 banner. Another woman shouted "Hallelujah!" upon hearing that the business was closed due to overwhelming popularity.
Although the doors are temporarily closed supporters were seen even on Thursday and Friday. Several supports came from as far as Daytona Beach, Hunter's Creek near Kissimmee, and Monticello just east of Tallahassee.
Rod Phillips, a member of the Vietnam Veterans of America Florida State Council, came all the way to shake hands with Ugarte "We wanted to come over here and thank you personally," Phillips told Ugarte.
"I respect the presidency of the United States, but this could have been handled much better, much better. Being a Vietnam veteran and combat-wounded, I don't wish war on anybody. But there is a proper time and place to get out of there. One American is too many to be left behind enemy lines," he added.